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two days
previous < 2003-03-11 - 10:25 a.m. next >

So yeah, I am nervous about going to Thailand in two days.

I once told Andie and Jenny my little story about backpacking in Europe. I have this thing...I like to plan minute details. I spent a half-hour trying to figure out what time to sleep on the airplane so I will be fully rested when I land at 9 a.m. Bangkok time.

My planning for backpaking made much less sense. I figured I wouldn't be washing my panties every other minute, so I would need what? granny-paties of course! They went far past my belly button and I could wear panty liners and everything would be great.

I also decided that, instead of my regular socks, I would buy a pack of bright, white Costco socks. I never wear white socks at home. But somehow, for some reason, bright white Costco socks seemed to make sense.

It gets worse.

I bought a new pair of shoes that were comfortable, but ugly. I bought the ugliest jacket I could possibly find that would protect me from the cold, wind, and rain (which it did). I bought pants I would never wear at home (too ugly) and shirts I would never wear here either.

And somehow, I thought this would make my trip easier.

I honestly (really!) thought that in Genoa, the gritty port city of Italy, I would see pirates with one leg and birds on their shoulders.

I thought that Europeans would look and dress like the people of eastern Europe circa 1989.

Forget Milan, and the the international cities of Amsterdam, Rome, Florence.

Yes, I needed to get out more!

Turns out, all this crap I bought was useless and made me feel really stupid.

And all that time I spent worrying about how many pairs of white, elephant sized granny panties I should bring could have been used for much better things....like reading about Michaelanglo and researching the coffee of the world!


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